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wtf 1860

I said they were a quiet admixture on our discussion of the Bering Strait. I’m so glad this was shared. I’ve been reading up on the American Industrial history and from what I gathered the term *plantation* was used as the word colony is used today. Furthermore, the plantations BARELY had more than 10 hands during the first 2 centuries, RARELY did you see a plantation with 20 hands and even then they were mostly European indentured servants who worked the plantations and they FAILED.

Work was not consistent and they had yet to truly utilize the indigenous manpower because the government was too busy spending money fighting us off. Not until the late 18th century did cotton begin to bang in the black belt and that was due to the shift of the industry. Wealthy planters took the cotton land near the coast and the rise in indigo planting in Florida caused newly freed white servants to move inland in search of fresh soil.

The majority of the crops planted in the colonies were not consistent with the change of seasons so work was not as plentiful as they want us to believe and not everyone possessed the skill to plant the crops. I’m from a farming community, it’s not just putting a seed in the ground and then waiting for it to grow

That made me question, where were all these “slaves” that were supposedly coming from Africa going if the industrial complex was not as vast and a plantation was another name for a colony? So they brought all these people just to kick it in North America until Eli Whitney decided to make the cotton gin and the white man saw all of us and decided to put us to work? Nah, by the time of the 18th century more and more of us had began to absorb or amalgamate into the system due to their religion and schools. The law forced many to comply from fear (free people of color)

More and more information is surfacing on what truly happened. Just call me McDonalds because IM LOVING IT!

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