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white slavery

Slave owners were known for typically separating young children from their mothers... Child slaves were viewed by their masters and society in general as valuable assets with a monetary value of their own and an investment for the future...

It would seem obvious that such assets would be protected and nurtured if only for economic reasons... If a child's mother was a slave, then he or she was a slave as well...

“Although the institution of slavery is to be condemned, because it deprives the slave of everything except his bread and butter, and clothing, and shelter in winter, it merits more decided condemnation on another ground. It deprives the]-R&c[0]=AT1OSJpHu5W28GpBTTCuIJ3Loduz3CspWEU2E2FDe01ZiGSF7JVi86lP6DRlVh7BTAwfrmoje70rHc2RyAXWsvSKIvavy4CjMXvD5jO4oMYNFGScibtqzoLwXHEJyICJ0QZmV_ZhH9Ha-jfBm8UTikPG0ER-gCBnkYV43jVnbORpwnF2SBBb5IZl2F9eQ6vvRl9w1JsagA

POOR WHITES of the South of every aspiration which appertains to anything nobler than their bodies. It deprives them of the exercise of their intellects, of schools, education and culture, no less than of the bread of themselves and their children. I am more opposed to the institution on this ground than on any other, because it is our own race, THE WHITE RACE, which is here TRAMPLED upon”

SOURCE; (Hinton Rowan Helper, “Compendium of The Impending Crisis of the South”; 1859) Slave owners were known for typically separating young children from their mothers... Child slaves were viewed by their masters and society in general as valuable assets with a monetary value of their own and an investment for the future... It would seem obvious that such assets would be protected and nurtured if only for economic reasons... If a child's mother was a slave, then he or she was a slave as well...

So called whites are particularly fond of ALWAYS depicting so called Blacks as slaves... As a matter of fact, Eurocentricks have managed to make ‘BLACK’ synonymous with slave, when in fact it was the so called white Slavic people who were originally synonymous with slave (Slav = Slave) What they’ve done in the school system is they’ve convinced so called black people that the term ‘slave’ is synonymous with the term ‘black’ So whenever you think of the term ‘slave’ you think of a so called black person... When in reality the term ‘slave’ is in reference to the so called white man… The term ‘slave’ and the word ‘slav’ have the same origin... It’s a term that comes from the medieval time period when the so called white man was known as a Slav or slave...

His job was to work the fields for his so called black overlord... In Europe, during the medieval time period, so called blacks were the ones that controlled Europe, which has been proven multiple times on numerous posts on this page... The term ‘slave’ has nothing to do with the so called black man and black woman... That term is synonymous with so called whites...

So called whites were in a very low estate during the medieval time period, and they were ruled over by so called blacks (Lords of the Manor)

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