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where r yall from white people

WHERE DID THE SO CALLED WHYTE MAN COME FROM? (Dravidian Albinos) An Albino (so called White person) who mates with another Albino (so called White person) Can ONLY produce another Albino (so called White skinned) Child 100% of the time... So called White or Pale skinned people exist as a result of so called Black and Brown Skinned people "MAKING" them, these people are called Albinos... So called Black and Brown People have a "P" gene...

When the "P" gene is healthy, so called Black and Brown people make other so called Black and Brown people... But when the "P" gene has "Mutated" and is no longer healthy, It CAN cause so called Black and Brown people to produce so called WHITE or Pale skinned people (Albinos) The so called white man was, and still is, quite sensitive and defensive about his genesis, and his "Un-naturalness"

So called whites are the Albinos of INDIA'S INDIGENOUS DRAVIDIANS, who split from India and went into Central Asia many thousands of years ago... The so called Black and Brown Dravidians of India produce the most Albinos per family, and it is from these Dravidians that the so called white subRace arose... So called whites are the "Fixed" Albinos of the original so called Black Indians (Dravidians) of India, who moved further north to Central Asia, seeking solace and less Sunlight, they are primarily of the OCA-2 type Albinism, indicated by Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Pale - but not White Skin, the ability to "Tan" and Normal Eyesight...

Genetics clearly traces the Dravidians, and their Albinos, out of Africa, into India, and finally, into Europe... Hence the term "Indo-European" (The predominate Haplogroup of White/Albino Europeans is Y-dna Haplogroup "R"). Confirmation that the so called white Race is derived from Dravidian Albinos, is documented in the findings from genetic analysis of Y-DNA haplogroup "R" All the data and "Common Sense" clearly shows that so called whites are the "Fixed" Albinos of the original so called Black Indians (Dravidians) of India, who moved further north to Central Asia, seeking solace and less Sunlight....

So called whites steadfastly refuse to admit this, even though this obvious conclusion is supported by simple observation—They look exactly alike—except for skin color, and modern Dravidian Albinos are indistinguishable from so called whites... Combine that with the genetic data, and there is no doubt that they are the same people... The final proof that so called whites are Albinos derived from Dravidian Indians, is the Genetic Distance Maps created by the studies: "Genetic Distance Map from The History and Geography of Human Genes" by Cavalli-Sforza And "The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans" by Sarah A. Tishkoff Both genetic maps show that so called Black and Brown Indians, and so called whites are alone together, separate from all other humans, like two peas in a pod... The only difference is that one group is pigmented, and the other is not! One group is Albino, the other is not…

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