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ving rhames

Golden Globe winner Ving Rhames is reprising his role in Mission: Impossible – Fallout and making the press rounds. On Friday, he was a guest on The Clay Cane Show on SiriusXM Urban View and revealed he had a gun pulled on him at his own home in Santa Monica, California. “I am sure you hear about all the reports of Black men being attacked by police,” Clay Cane said to Rhames. You are a big star, but how does racism show itself in your life?” The 59-year-old told a terrifying story of cops pulling a 9-mm gun on him: “This happened this year. I am in my home, it was around 2:15 p.m. in the afternoon,” Rhames said. “I’m in my house, I’m in a pair of basketball shorts only. I have two English bulldog puppies. I hear a noise in my backyard but I’m thinking the puppies are just running around, and then I get a knock on the front door.I get up, I’m just in my basketball shorts — literally. I get up, I open the door and there is a red dot pointed at my face from a 9-mm. They say put up your hands, literally. I just walked and opened up the door. Then they said open the front screen door. They say do it with one hand so then I have to do it with one hand. My hands are up and they have me outside.” There were a group of police officers, a police dog and the captain of police, Rhames also said. Thankfully, the captain recognized Ving. The police claimed Rhames’ neighbor called and said a “large Black man” was breaking into a home. “Myself, the sergeant and one of the police officers went over to the house, which was across the street from my place, and the person denied it. So here I am in my own home, alone in some basketball shorts and just because someone called and said a large Black man is breaking [in,] when I opened up the wooden door, a 9-mm is pointed at me.” Rhames realizes he is lucky that he was recognized: “My problem is, as I said this to them, what if it was my son and he had a video game remote or something and you thought it was a gun?” Via @flygurl96

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