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the san people

NAMIBIA – THE SAN PEOPLE – NARO BUSHMAN – CENTRAL KALAHARI * The Bushman of the Kalahari desert in South Namibia. Aka: The San People. Have by genetic analysis been determined to be the closest to the original Homo-sapien sapien in genetic makeup, and thus, the worlds Oldest Humans! The Complete Khoisan and Bantu genomes from southern Africa have just been completed and published (Received 11 August 2009; Accepted 6 January 2010). The San People, (Bushmen) pure African people have light skin and get a lot of sun. The San (Bushmen) hold the oldest DNA markers, going back nearly 200,000 years. *** Images matter. History is a tool for growth. We have been taught false history. * The media & the education system dont show real images of the first settlers world wide and the progenitor of humans because they were all Black. It’s proven by genetics & the study of excavations, art & literature. * Without a past you don’t have a future. Knowledge of Self is the cure for selfhate, skinbleeching, lack of pride & self-destruction.

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