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The Real James Madison


Edward Coles was a politician, and private secretary to James Madison…

Coles described Madison’s personal appearance in 1854:

“In height he [Madison] was about five feet six inches, of a small and delicate form, of rather a tawny complexion”


(Irving Brant, “‪James Madison: The Virginia revolutionist”; 1941)‬

SALLOW, a. sāl’ lō [AS. salu, sallow: Bav. sal, discolored: Dut. zaluw, TAWNY]

Sallow means Tawny…

“The Fr. Tane, tanned, is also–swart, SALLOW, dusky, or tawney of hue”

Tawney or Tawny is derived from the French word Tanné which means Tan color or Brown…

“Tan or Tawny will be—the color of the chestnut”


(Charles Richardson, “A New Dictionary of the English Language, Volume 2; 1855)

The real portrait was painted by Charles Wilson Peale in 1810…

Charles Willson Peale was an American painter, he is best remembered for his portrait paintings of leading figures of the American Revolution…

The sitter in this portrait is erroneously said to be a man named “Absalom Jones” (Pseudonym)

Eurocentricks tell us that he was of course “born into slavery”, and because those “racist slave masters” had such hearts of gold, he was somehow allowed to attend school to learn how to read and write…

We’re told that he was also somehow allowed to marry another “enslaved” woman, and despite still being a slave, was able to purchase his wife’s freedom…

According to the Caucasian man’s erroneous slavery narrative, it was illegal to teach slaves how to read and write…

It was believed that literacy was a threat to the institution of slavery…

The U.S. is the only country known to have prohibited the education of slaves…

As a general rule of thumb—whenever you encounter portraiture and photography depicting so called black nobles and dignitaries in rich and elegant garments, and read that they were “born into slavery” and that they “taught themselves how to read and write” or were allowed to attend school, it is undoubtedly a boldfaced LIE intended to explain away the presence of so called black Europeans, and to obfuscate and to obliterate the true origins and history of so called black Americans in the U.S. who are NOT Africans (SOURCE: and who were overwhelmingly FREE citizens, as proved by The Emory University Transatlantic Slave Trade Database, Census Reports, and the thousands of Daguerrotypes and Tintypes from the 1840’s and 1850’s that depict middle to upper class so called black Americans…

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