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the real deal

There are three natural currents flowing from Africa to the Americas and an ocean span of only 1,500 miles… From Europe the span is 3,000 miles. Huge ships were not only on the seas but also on Lake Chad in West Africa some 3,000 years ago. These ships were seaworthy. Indeed such huge ships, in pieces, have been found in the ancient pyramid tombs of Egypt. But beyond this, in 1513, an Arab admiral, Piri Reis, found intact in a library in Alexandria, Egypt, a precise map, authored centuries earlier, that correctly linked latitude and longitude long before it was discovered in Europe. The map even plotted South America and the Amazon River for 300 miles, something not done in Europe until a century later. From 1000 B.C.E. there is evidence of contact, trade, and interconnectedness between American and African peoples and their civilizations. Africans did not create Olmec civilization any more than ‘aliens’ from outer space ‘created’ Kemetic Egyptians civilization. Rather, as Olmec civilization, the civilization that later gave rise to the Aztec and Mayan flowering, arose, it met and exchanged knowledge, technology, and metaphysical ideas with an older African civilization.” Edward Bruce Bynum “The African Unconscious: Roots of Ancient Mysticism and Modern Psychology” Page 60

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