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The Problem

Your major problem is that researchers assign specific physical traits to Africans , Europeans and Mongoloids—which are common to African populations generally. This has led some researchers to reflect on the light skin of the Khoisan, and straight hair of the Australians and then take this evidence to indicate some association with Caucasoids—when in reality diverse African populations possessed these characteristics. We must accept the fact that the physical traits of Africans have always varied and the appearance of so-called “white features” among blacks has nothing to do with admixture with Europeans. Posted by Dr. Clyde Winters “Europeans were by no means the pioneers in human civilization. Half of man’s recorded history had passed before anyone in Europe could read or write. The priests of Egypt began to keep written records between 4000 and 3000 B.C…. While the Pharaohs were building the first pyramids, Europeans were creating nothing more distinguished than garbage heaps. – R. R. Palmer. (A white historian) Statue of a man seated with a document in his lap is Imhotep (2655-2600 BC) (meaning “the one who comes in peace”) was an Egyptian polymath,[1] who served under the Third Dynasty king,Djoser, as chancellor to the pharaoh and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis. He is considered to be the first architect[2] and engineer[3] and physician in early history[4] though two other physicians, Hesy-Ra and Merit-Ptah lived around the same time. The full list of his titles is: Chancellor of the King of Egypt, Doctor, First in line after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary nobleman, High Priest of Heliopolis, Builder, Chief Carpenter, Chief Sculptor, and Maker of Vases in Chief. He was so revered even Greeks created a deity in his name, off course by plagiarizing his character and works. Did you check the dates? He existed before so called Chris We can only speak the truth when we turn off the light. ~ Benin Proverb A leader is he who tells his people what they must hear, not what they want to hear. ~ Motherland Proverb Kumbuko kama la punda wa masai. ~ Swahili Proverb A memory like a Masai donkey. ~ Swahili Proverb Meaning; The Masai loaded his donkey so heavily that it quit one day. But the next day it had forgotten its master’s cruelty and came back to him. “In peace prepare for war, in war prepare for peace. The art of war is of vital importance to the state. It is matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence under no circumstances can it be neglected.” ~ Sun Tzu The tyrant is only the slave turned inside out. ~ Egyptian Proverb Madiba betrayed us – Winnie Winnie Mandela AFP During a frank interview with Nadira Naipaul as published in the London Evening Standard, Winnie Mandela has expressed her disappointment in her former husband, Nelson Mandela from her Soweto home. “This name Mandela is an albatross around the necks of my family. You all must realise that Mandela was not the only man who suffered. There were many others, hundreds who languished in prison and died. Many unsung and unknown heroes of the struggle, and there were others in the leadership too, like poor Steve Biko, who died of the beatings, horribly all alone. Mandela did go to prison and he went in there as a burning young revolutionary. But look what came out,” she said to Naipaul. ‘Mandela let us down’ Mandela pointed to the agreement between the Apartheid government and the ANC that, she says, continues to keep the economy in the hands of white people. “Mandela let us down. He agreed to a bad deal for the blacks. Economically, we are still on the outside. The economy is very much ‘white’. It has a few token blacks, but so many who gave their life in the struggle have died unrewarded.” During the interview she mentioned what it meant for her personally that Nelson Mandela sanctioned FW de Klerk’s contribution as that of a person who deserved a Nobel Peace Prize. “I cannot forgive him for going to receive the Nobel [Peace Prize in 1993] with his jailer [FW] de Klerk. Hand in hand they went. Do you think de Klerk released him from the goodness of his heart? He had to. The times dictated it, the world had changed, and our struggle was not a flash in the pan, it was bloody to say the least and we had given rivers of blood. I had kept it alive with every means at my disposal”. The TRC a ‘charade’ Mandela also spoke about the setting up of the Truth and Reconciliation commission and how former Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu’s manipulated it away from its original intention. “Look at this Truth and Reconciliation charade. He should never have agreed to it,” her anger was focused on Mandela, Naipaul writes. “What good does the truth do? How does it help anyone to know where and how their loved ones were killed or buried? That Bishop Tutu who turned it all into a religious circus came here.” “He had the cheek to tell me to appear. I told him a few home truths. I told him that he and his other like-minded cretins were only sitting here because of our struggle and me. Because of the things I and people like me had done to get freedom ‘I will never be sorry’ Referring to some current differences between her and Nelson Mandela, she said that she still has public support. “I am not alone. The people of Soweto are still with me,” Mandela said. “Look what they make him do. The great Mandela. He has no control or say any more. They put that huge statue of him right in the middle of the most affluent “white” area of Johannesburg. Not here where we spilled our blood and where it all started. Mandela is now a corporate foundation. He is wheeled out globally to collect the money and he is content doing that. The ANC have effectively sidelined him but they keep him as a figurehead for the sake of appearance.” Near the end of the interview, Mandela told Naipaul that she had no regrets. “I am not sorry. I will never be sorry. I would do everything I did again if I had to. Everything.” This is a man named Liu Jianjun. Yes, it just gets worse. Evidently he was “titled” by some negro continental Afrikan faction. This is what he has to say about his kind “titlers: Liu Jianjun: “Africans are a bit lazy, happier to pick fruits off trees than grow it themselves” When the brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their father’s estate. ~ Ibo Proverb — con Sherani Haynes. African Kings in India. More than a thousand years before the foundations of Greece and Rome, proud and industrious Black men and women known as the Dravidian erected a powerful civilization in the Indus Valley. From those origins, African Kings in India drove the region’s commerce, culture, and belief systems. Dr. Clyde Winters, author of Afrocentrism: Myth or Science? writes: “Ethiopians have had very intimate relations with Indians. In fact, in antiquity the Ethiopians ruled much of India. These Ethiopians were called the Naga. It was the Naga who created Sanskrit. A reading of ancient Dravidian literature which dates back to 500 BC, gives us considerable information on the Naga. In Indian tradition the Naga won central India from the Villavar (bowmen) and Minavar (fishermen).” He goes on to say “The Naga were great seamen who ruled much of India, Sri Lanka and Burma. To the Aryans they described as half man and snake. The Tamil knew them as warlike people who used the bow and noose. The earliest mention of the Naga, appear in the Ramayana , they are also mentioned in the Mahabharata. In the Mahabharata we discover that the Naga had the capital city in the Dekkan, and other cities spread between the Jumna and Ganges as early as 1300 BC. The Dravidian classic, the Chilappathikaran made it clear that the first great kingdom of India was Naganadu. The Naga probably came from Kush-Punt/Ethiopia. The Puntites were the greatest sailors of the ancient world. In the Egyptian inscriptions there is mention of the Puntite ports of Outculit, Hamesu and Tekaru, which corresponds to Adulis, Hamasen and Tigre.” Even the legends of India revere the Black race that laid the foundation of their civilization, and the holiest books of India also affirm that enlightenment came from Ethiopia ((The first God of India was a dreadlocked black man called Shiva.) Malik Andil Khan Sultan (reigned from 893 to 895) Malik Andil Khan Sultan, the hater that killed Khoja Barbak, changed his name to Saifu-d-din Abul Muzaffar Firuz Shah after assuming power, and actually proved to be a wise king. According to coins found bearing his name, he reigned from 893 to 895. He secured peace and comfort for his subjects, was “matchless in his generosity”, and “bestowed on the poor the treasures and largess of past sovereigns, who had hoarded the same with considerable exertions and pains.” A story from the Bibliotheca India illustrates his empathy for the poor: The members of Government did not like this generosity towards the poor, and used to say to one another: “This Abyssinian does not appreciate the value of the money which has fallen into his hands, without toil and labour. We ought to set about discovering a means by which he might be taught the value of money, and to withhold his hand from useless extravagance and lavishness.” Then they collected that treasure on the floor, that the king might behold it with his own eyes, and appreciating its value, might attach value to it. When the king saw the treasure, he enquired: ” Why is this treasure left in this place?” The members of Government said: “This is the same treasure that you allotted to the poor.” The king said: “How can this amount suffice? Add another lak to it.” Today, you can still visit a mosque, a tower and a reservoir in the city of Gaur erected by him. Jamal al-Din Yaqut (ca 1200) Jamal began his rise to power in Delhi as a habshi, one of many enslaved Africans of East African descent frequently employed by Muslim monarchs as mercenaries and members of royal security teams. Shortly after his employ began, the then reigning sovereign Queen Raziya (1236- 1240) the first female monarch of Delhi took a liking to him. He was subsequently promoted to a royal courtier and later rose to occupy the important post of superintendent of the royal stables. She awarded him the honorific title Amir-al-Khayl (Amir of Horses) and later the much higher Amir-al-Umara (Amir of Amirs), much to the discontent of of the Turkish nobility who at the time also had dealings in the region. Already resented for being a woman ruler by the Muslim nobles and clerics, Razia’s proximity to an Abyssinian slave (considered racially inferior to the Turkish nobles who ruled the Sultanate) alienated the nobility and clerics and soon provoked open rebellion and conspiracy. Jamal al-Din Yaqut was eventually killed off by his haters. Malik Sarwar (1394 – 1403) Malik Sarwar, also described as a Habashi, became the governor of Jaunpur, a sultanate close to Delhi. Under the title of Malik-us-Shark (king of the east) he captured the Jaunpur province. According to the History of Medieval India, Part I (S.Chand& Co, 2007), ”In 1389, Malik Sarwar received the title of Khajah-i-Jahan. In 1394, he was appointed as the governor of Jaunpur and received his title of Malik-us-Sharq from Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah II Tughluq (1394 – 1413). Soon, he established himself as an independent ruler and took the title of Atabak-i-Azam. He suppressed the rebellions in Etawah, Koil and Kanauj. He was also able to bring under his control Kara, Awadh, Sandila, Dalmau, Bahraich, Bihar and Tirhut. The Rai of Jajnagar and the ruler of Lakhnauti acknowledged his authority and sent him a number of elephants. After his death, he was succeeded by his adopted son Malik Qaranfal, who took the title of Mubarak Shah” Malik Sarwar and his five successors namely Malik Mubarak Quranfal, Ibrahim Shah, Mahmud Shah, Bhikhan Khan and lastly Hussain Shah are called Sharqi kings who ruled the kingdom of Jaunpur for little less than a century. They were all without exceptions black Indo-Africans otherwise called Habashis or the Ethiopians in India.This was the period of peace and prosperity in the history of Jaunpur witnessing remarkable achievements in the fields of art, architecture, education, trade and commerce. Malik Ambar (1550 – ?) One of the most famous among the Indo-Africans was the celebrated Malik Ambar (1550-1626). Malik Ambar, whose original name was Shambu was born around 1550 in Harar, Ethiopia. After his arrival in India, he was able to raise a formidable army and achieve great power in the west Indian realm of Ahmadnagar. Ambar was a brilliant diplomat, tactician, and administrator. In 1590, Ambar broke away from Bijapur and built an independent mercenary army of over 1500 African, Arab and local Dakani men. He eventually joined the state of Ahmadnagar and later imprisoned King Murtaza II, naming himself regent minister. Ambar promoted minorities of various ethnic groups to key positions and implemented financial, educational and agricultural reforms. Ferista, an contemporary Arab historian, praised Ambar: “he appears to have been the most enlightened financier of whom we read in Indian history.” Ambar also organized a 60,000 horse army and successfully beat back the Moguls for the next 20 years. The Moguls could not conquer Dakan until after his death. Thats gangsta. In the 16th century, there were many other powerful Haaishi in the political scene of India. Chingiz Khan, the prime minister to Nizam mul-Mulk Bani, King of Ahmadnagar in 1575, was of African origin. After the king’s death, the king’s son Murtaza I led a successful revolt with several Habshis against his mother’s claim to power. In 1595, during the reign of Murtaza II, the prime minister Abhangar Khan was also a Habashi. Today, the Habshi communities have been diminished due to widespread intermarriage with other Muslims, but their influence is undeniably imprinted on the faces of the people there today, as well as the local architecture. The men mentioned above are just a few of the Abysinnian, Habasi, Ethiopian, and Dravadian rulers, leaders, and wise men that shaped todays India. Their existence should reinforce the fact that MORE RESEARCH NEEDS TO BE DONE, so that we have the irreftable proof of what we already knew; that the African man and woman brought the light of civilization to the world “…The darkest man is here the most highly esteemed and considered better than the others who are not so dark. Let me add that in very truth these people portray and depict their gods and their idols black and their devils white as snow. For they say that God and all the saints are black and the devils are all white. That is why they portray them as I have described.” – Marco Polo (1254-1324), after visiting the Pandyan Kingdom in 1288 Tippu Tip or Tib (1837 – June 14, 1905), real name Hamad bin Muḥammad bin Jumah bin Rajab bin Muḥammad bin Sa‘īd al-Murghabī, was a Swahili-Zanzibari trader. He was famously known as Tippu Tib after an eye disease which made him blind. A notorious slave trader, plantation owner and governor, who worked for a succession of sultans of Zanzibar, he led many trading expeditions into east-central Africa, involving the slave trade and ivory trade. He constructed profitable trading posts that reached deep into Central Africa. He built himself a trading empire that he then translated into clove plantations on Zanzibar. Abdul Sheriff reports that when he left for his twelve years of “empire building” on the mainland, he had no plantations of his own. However, by 1895, he had acquired “seven shambas [plantations] and 10,000 slaves.”His mother, Bint Habib bin Bushir, was a Muscat Arab of the ruling class. His father and paternal grandfather were coastal Swahili who had taken part in the earliest trading expeditions to the interior. His paternal great-grandmother, wife of Rajab bin Mohammed bin Said el Murgebi was the daughter of Juma bin Mohammed el Nebhani, a member of a respected Muscat (Oman) family, and an African woman from the village of Mbwa Maji, a small village south of what would later become the German capital of Dar es Salaam. When, in August 1886, fighting broke out between Arabs (Swahili) and the representatives of King Leopold II of Belgium at Stanley Falls, el Murgebi went to the Belgian consul at Zanzibar to assure him of his “good intentions.” He died June 13, 1905, of malaria (according to Brode) in his home in Stone Town, the main town on the island of Zanzibar. — con Gervas Chonya y Ptah Amen. “When we get into social amnesia – into forgetting our history – we also forget or misinterpret the history and motives of others as well as our motives. The way to learn of our own creation, how we came to be what we are, is getting to know ourselves. It is through getting to know the self intimately that we get to know the forces that shaped us as a self. Therefore knowing the self becomes a knowledge of the world. A deep study of Black History is the most profound way to learn about the psychology of Europeans and to understand the psychology that flows from their history. If we don’t know ourselves, not only are we a puzzle to ourselves; other people are also a puzzle to us as well. We assume the wrong identity and identify ourselves with our enemies. If we don’t know who we are then we are whomever somebody tells us we are.” ~ Dr. Amos N. Wilson (The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness) — con Sam Hotness. The prison of the White American view of history James Baldwin writing in the August 1965 issue of Ebony magazine, starting on page 47: My point of view certainly is formed by my history, and it is probable that only a creature despised by history finds history a questionable matter. On the other hand, people who imagine history flatters them (as it does, indeed, since they wrote it) are impaled on their history like a butterfly on a pin and become incapable of seeing or changing themselves, or the world. This is the place in which, it seems to me, most white Americans find themselves. Impaled. They are dimly, or vividly, aware that the history they have fed themselves is mainly a lie, but they do not know how to release themselves from it, and they suffer enormously from the resulting personal incoherence. This incoherence is heard nowhere more plainly than in those stammering, terrified dialogues white Americans sometimes entertain with that black conscience, the black man in America. The nature of this stammering can be reduced to a plea: Do not blame me. I was not there. I did not do it. My history has nothing to do with Europe or the slave trade. Anyway, it was your chiefs who sold you to me. I was not present on the middle passage. I am not responsible for the textile mills of Manchester, or the cotton fields of Mississippi. Besides, consider how the English, too, suffered in those mills and in those awful cities! I also despise the governors of Southern states and the sheriffs of Southern counties, and I also want your child to have a decent education and rise as high as his capabilities will permit. I have nothing against you, nothing! What have you got against me? What do you want? But, on the same day, in another gathering, and in the most private chamber of his heart always, the white American, remains proud of that history for which he does not wish to pay, and from which, materially, he has profited so much. On that same day, in another gathering, and in the most private chamber of his heart always, the black American finds himself facing the terrible roster of his lost: the dead, black junkie; the defeated, black father; the unutterably weary, black mother; the unutterably ruined black girl. And one begins to suspect an awful thing: that people believe that they deserve their history, and that when they operate on this belief, they perish. But one knows that they can scarcely avoid believing that they deserve it; one’s short time on this earth is very mysterious and very dark and very hard. I have known many black men and women and black boys and girls who really believed that it was better to be white than black, whose lives were ruined or ended by this belief; and I, myself, carried the seeds of this destruction within me for a long time. THE DOGON: From the Nile Valley of East Africa to the Kingdom of Mali in West Africa The Dogon, an ancient people in Africa, are mainly populated in the modern nations of Mali and Burkino Faso in West Africa, the epicenter of the historical medieval Mali Empire. When western anthropologists first began to study Dogon culture they were baffled at the group’s advanced knowledge of the universe. They were specifically astonished at their intricate understanding of the Sirius planetary system (Alpha Canis Majoris). Historical commentators believe that the Dogon’s cosmological lore goes back thousands of years to at least 3200 BC, during the pre-dynastic age of ancient Egypt. The Dogon’s oral history also includes an eastern migration story. The Dogon are recorded to have settled in the Bandiagara Plateau, at the Southern edge of the Sahara desert between the 13th and 16th centuries. Dogon Astronomy and Cosmology Sigi Tolo is the name the Dogon give to the distant star Sirius, also referred to as Sirius A. Po Tolo is the name given to its smaller companion star, Sirius B. According to French anthropologist Marcel Graiule, author of Conversations With Ogotemmeli, Dogon priests have kept a precise reading of the ebbs and flow of Canis Major planetary bodies. Cosmological and astronomical knowledge are both retained in every aspect of their communal lives. In the 1960s, when Graiule studied the Dogon, he found a social order void of murder and theft. It included an elder mediation process that resolved the disputes that did arise within Dogon communities, such as who has liability for damages when a man’s goat destroys property belonging to his neighbor. For thousands of years, Dogon social and cultural systems were designed to recall this knowledge that had been obtained without any known physical telescopes. From documentary footage about the Dogon, it appears that they dwell among the cliffs and use the peaks of mountain and hill tops to anchor and measure planetary movements, aided by our pattern of rotation around the sun. For the Dogon, patterns and symbols related to planetary knowledge is embedded in rituals, architecture, sand drawings, etc. The Dogon are aware that Po Tolo (Sirius B) has a 50-year elliptical orbit around the super dense Sigi Tolo (Sirius A). Knowledge of Sirius B was not discovered by western astronomers until 1970 when photographed by Irving Lindenblad of the U.S. Naval Observatory. The Nile Valley and the Sirius Connection The Kmt story of Osiris and Isis were developed and recalled by other Nile valley civilizations such as Nubia and Kush — all of which identify the Sirius constellation system as the dog star (Canis Major), a manifestation of Anubu (aka Upuaut or “Opener of the Ways”; Greek: Anubis). In Nile valley creation stories, Anubu is a central actor. He is probably best known for his role in the battle between the brothers Set and Osiris. When Set disassembles the body of his brother Osiris, Isis reassembles the body pieces and delivers them to Anubu who performs embalming rites that bring Osiris back to life. Anubu is also associated with Osiris as his son — making him the brother of Horus. Anubu is also known within Nile valley civilization populations as the one who protects and guides the spirits of the dead across the waters (Nun) of the underworld (Duat or the Hall of Two Truths). Anubu reigned over the process of mummification and embalming, leading the souls of the dead to the Hall of Two Truths for the declaration of the 42 Laws of Maat and the weighing of the heart by the goddess of law and justice, Maat. Nommo Cosmology and the Dogon Creation Story The Dogon’s creation story has its origin on Po Tolo (Sirius B). According to the Dogon, Nommo came from the Sirius star system,, which is some 8.7 light years away but still bright in our night sky. According to the creation story, the Nommo traveled to Earth by ark and, upon arrival, morphed into the eight mythical human ancestors — 4 male and 4 female (See also Tehuti (aka Thoth), Ogdoad, Rebirth, Golden Age). Over time, the first human ancestors mated and birthed all of humanity. Even today, the Dogon pray to Nommo for rain, a prayer they say was taught to them by the Nommo. The Dogon rain dance is similar to that of the Native American and involve raising of hands, chanting and making offering The pictures below are from “King Leopold’s Soliloquy: A Defense of His Congo Rule.” It is worth noting that the US was the first Nation to recognize that Congo was a private property of King Leopold II of Belgium. No wonder the US has remained the key player in Congo; which is term of size is bigger that all of Europe. Below is and excerpt from the soliloquy. […] These meddlesome American missionaries! these frank British consuls! these blabbingblabbing Belgian-born traitor officials! — those tiresome parrots are always talking, always telling. They have told how for twenty years I have ruled the Congo State not as a trustee of the Powers, an agent, a subordinate, a foreman, but as a sovereign — sovereign over a fruitful domain four times as large as the German Empire — sovereign absolute, irresponsible, above all law; trampling the Berlin-made Congo charter under foot; barring out all foreign traders but myself; restricting commerce to myself, through concessionaires who are my creatures and confederates; seizing and holding the State as my personal property, the whole of its vast revenues as my private “swag” — mine, solely mine — claiming and holding its millions of people as my private property, my serfs, my slaves; their labor mine, with or without wage; the food they raise not their property but mine; the rubber, the ivory and all the other riches of the land mine — mine solely — and gathered for me by the men, the women and the little children under compulsion of lash and bullet, fire, starvation, mutilation and the halter […] Africans in Brazil: Zumbi dos Palmares Zumbi dos Palmares (born: 1655 – died: 1694) Zumbi dos Palmares was born free in the Palmares region of Brazil in the year 1655, the last of the military leaders of the Quilombo (Kimbundu word: “kilombo,” of the North Mbundu Bantu language in Angola, meaning “warrior village or settlement”) of Palmares. The Quilombo dos Palmares were a free society (free born, maroons, or refugee slave), an old South American republic, which included the present day Brazilian coastal state of Alagoas, Brazil. Today, Zumbi is known as one of the historic Brazilian leaders. At approximately 6 years old, Zumbi was captured from the Palmares region by the Portuguese and given as a slave to a Portuguese priest, António Melo. Baptized Francisco, Zumbi was taught Latin, the Portuguese religion and language, and assigned to serve the Catholic mass. In 1670, at 15 years old, Zumbi escaped and returned to his birthplace where he soon became known as a Capoërae (Capoiera) master in the roda (wheel or circle) of Palmares’ practioners of this African martial art. By his early twenties, he became a respected military strategist. Quilombo dos Palmares Republic Quilombo dos Palmares was a self-sustaining republic of maroons located in “a region perhaps the size of Portugal in the hinterland of Bahia” (Braudel 1984). The Bahia – Alagoas region of Brazil is where this free African settlement was located. At its height in the early 1600s, Palmares had a population of over 30,000. By 1630, it was described by the commentators as “the Promised Land” for escaped African slaves. King Ganga Zumba of Palmares offered emancipation for slaves entering its territories. In 1644, the Dutch invaded the northeastern region but, as the Portuguese had failed before, the European insurrections failed to penetrate Palmares. By 1654, the Portuguese expelled the Dutch from the region, many of whom relocated to Suriname. The Palmares military were expert in the Capoeira self defense, often described as the art of escape. They were forced to defend against repeated attacks by Portuguese colonizers seeking free labor for growing sugar plantations. Many of the escaping Africans from the Portuguese colony originated from the Angolan region in south-central Africa, then under Portuguese colonization. By 1678, Pedro Almeida, the weary governor of Pernambuco approached the Palmares leader King Ganga Zumba for negotiations. Almeida agreed to concede all runaway slaves residing in the Palmares regions if Palmares would submit to Portuguese rule. King Ganga Zumba favored the compromise but Zumbi did not because the Portuguese would not agree to free all the human slaves in the Portuguese colonial region. Before King Ganga Zumba’s death, Zumbi commanded the leadership of the independent Quilombos dos Palmares, becoming the commander-in-chief of its resistence. Fifteen years after Zumbi assumed military leadership of Palmares, Portuguese colonial military commanders from the São Paulo region — Domingos Jorge Velho and Bernardo Vieira de Melo — mounted a military assault against Palmares. By 1680, Zumbi of Palmares reigned against the Portuguese. Zumbi Leads the Quilombo Resistance Zumbi eluded the Portuguese and continued the Quilombo resistance. Commentators have written that he was betrayed by a captured Quilombo who led the Portugese of São Paulo (Paulistas) to Zumbi’s hideout. In any case, led by Domingos Jorge Velho and Vieira de Mello, on February 6, 1694, after 67 years military conflict with Palmares, the Portuguese eventually destroyed the Palmares compound Cerca do Macaco (“monkey enclosure”). While the Quilombo remained in the Palmares region, Zumbi was captured and killed on November 20, 1695. His head is said to have been shipped to Recife, Brazil where it was displayed in the central praça as proof that Zumbi was not immortal and as a warning to other African resistance fighters. November 20 has been celebrated in Brazil as Black Awareness Day (or Black Conscious Day, portuegese: Dia Nacional da Consciência Negra) since the 1960s. The day has special meaning in honor of Zumbi — a black hero and freedom fighter. Additionally, May 13 is the national holiday in Brazil in honor of the Abolition of Slavery in Brazil in 1850. “Racism is one of the most sick and twisted manifestations of White/European people’s oppression, exploitation and domination of humanity…although not all White/European people are racist, they benefit from it in one way or another and knowingly allow racism to exist…its reach is international in scope and transcends economic, political, social and spiritual belief systems…it is an evil and violent social construct used to justify White/European people’s crimes against humanity and to breed inferiority, fear and disunity among Black, Brown, Red and Yellow people…It has been the cause of untold pain and suffering to People of Color around the world…it is the single greatest problem humanity faces today…if we are ever to rise as the HUMAN RACE every one of us must defeat racism in all its shapes and forms (individual, institutional and cultural)…the struggle to end racism must be a collective one that begins in our hearts and minds…we must rise above our dependency on White/European systems and societies and connect with the creator and each other…our struggle against racism will be measured by how we think, feel and act towards ourselves, our marriages, our families and our communities in Africa and around the world…independent of White/European ideas, values, morals and paradigms.” To be learned in all that is worth while knowing. Not to be crammed with the subject matter of the book or the philosophy of the class room, but to store away in your head such facts as you need for the daily application of life, so that you may the better in all things understand your fellowmen, and interpret your relationship to your Creator. You can be educated in soul, vision and feeling, as well as in mind. To see your enemy and know him is a part of the complete education of man; to spiritually regulate one’s self is another form of the higher education that fits man for a nobler place in life, and still, to approach your brother by the feeling of your own humanity, is an education that softens the ills of the world and makes us kind indeed. ~ Marcus Garvey on education Macandal: The Educated Revolutionary Who Brought Unity On January 20, 1758, he either burned to death at the stake or made an amazing escape. Macandal was one of the greatest revolutionaries in history yet his story was hidden. He is the first known black to proclaim he would end slavery . Taken from the Congo region at the age of 12 to the Caribbean, he was fluent in Arabic and was sought far and wide by slaves and aristocrats for his use of plants in the treatment of disease . He was a gifted musician, painter and sculptor. Education was forbidden for slaves but he learned to speak fluent French. After escaping his plantation he began the overthrow of the French and the defeat of slavery. Macandal ultimately united thousands to revolution and may be more responsible for ending slavery than any other. Even the black Marxist writer C.L.R. James attributed the “Haitian Revolution” to spontaneous rioting by 500,000 black slaves. Historians have reduced the Haitian Revolution, the only successful overthrow of a colonial power by black slaves, to a ‘collective rage,’ inspired by the “French Revolution.” Macandal’s story shatters this myth. The Haitian Revolution was the result of the “Macandal Revolution;” which started over 40 years before 1791. Many have used Macandal’s Muslim roots to advance Islamic ideology. However there is no evidence that as an adult, Macandal was either Christian or Muslim. Mysteriously, he came from the Christianized Congo but had Muslim roots. There is also no evidence Macandal was a Voodoo Priest, as some Haitians claim. To the contrary, Macandal seemed to view religion as an impediment. His sole aim was to unite all people regardless of religion, tribe or race and join them together for one great cause; ending slavery. His oratory exposed an erudite grasp of religious rhetoric. Religion had elevated racists, who used its power to rationalize division and atrocity. Boukman Dutty, a Voodoo Priest and harsh slave overseer during Macandal’s time, was no doubt a mortal enemy of Macandal, though later he became an ardent follower and a revolutionary himself. — con George Bagley Jr. “Africa history is as old as world history. In fact, African history is the essence of world history. In order to understand African history in its true light, it may be necessary to place Africa at the center of world history and to start the rest of human history from that center. With the second rise of Europe in the fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries and the creation of the slave trade and the colonial system that followed, the African people were systematically readout of world history. The Europeans knew then and now that you cannot successfully oppress a consciously historical people. They had to forget, or pretend to forget, all they had previously known about African people…In order to justify the slave trade, the Europeans created an African people in their mind who never existed. They created a people with no known culture and no known contact with a civilized way of life. This was a lie then and it is a lie now.” – Dr. John Henrik Cemail. Join 3,834 other followers Email Address:

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