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the olmecs

Although archeologists have used the name “Olmec,” to refer to the Black builders of ancient Mexico’s first civilizations, recent discoveries have proven that these Afro-Olmecs were West Africans of the Mende language and cultural group. Inscriptions found on ancient monuments in parts of Mexico show that the script used by the ancient Olmecs was identical to that used by the ancient and modern Mende-speaking peoples of West Africa. Racially, the collosal stone heads are identical in features to West Africans and the language deciphered on Olmec monuments is identical to the Mende language of West Africa, (see Clyde A. Winters). The term “Olmec” was first used by archeologists since the giant stone heads with the features of West African Negritic people were found in a part of Mexico with an abundance of rubber trees. The Maya word for rubber was “olli, and so the name “Olmec,” was used to label the Africoid Negritic people represented in the faces of the stone heads and found on hundreds of terracotta figurines throughout the region. Yet, due to the scientific work done by deciphers and linguists, it has been found out that the ancient Blacks of Mexico know as Olmecs, called themselves the Xi People (She People). Apart from the giant stone heads of basalt, hundreds of terracotta figurines and heads of people of Negritic African racial reatures have also been found over the past hundred years in Mexico and other parts of Meso-America as well as the ancient Black-owned lands of the Southern U.S. (Washitaw Proper,(Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arkansas), South America’s Saint Agustin Culture in the nation of Colombia, Costa Rica, and other areas) the “Louisiana Purchase,” lands, the south-eastern kingdom of the Black Jamassee, and other places including Haiti Various cultural clues and traces unique to Africa as well as the living descendants of prehistoric and ancient African migrants to the Americas continue to exist to this very day. The Washitaw Nation of Louisiana is one such group (see, the Garifuna or Black Caribs of the Caribbean and Central America is another, the descendants of the Jamasse who live in Georgia and the surrounding states is another group. There are also others such as the Black Californian of Queen Calafia fame (the Black Amazon Queen mentioned in the book Journey to Esplandian, by Ordonez de Montalvo during the mid 1500’s). In many parts of the Americas today, there are still people of African Negritic racial backgrounds who continue to exist either blended into the larger African-Americas population or are parts of separate, indigenous groups living on their own lands with their own unique culture and languages. One such example is the Washitaw Nation who owned about one million square miles of the former Louisiana Territories, but who now own only about 70,000 acres of all their former territory. The regaining of their lands from the U.S. was a long process which concluded partially in 1991, when they won the right to their lands in a U.S. court. The Black Californian broke up as a nation during the late 1800’s after many years of war with the Spanish invaders of the South West, with Mexico and with the U.S. The blended into the Black population of California and their descendants still exist among the millions of Black Californians of today. The Black Caribs or Garifunas of the Caribbean Islands and Central America fought with the English and Spanish from the late fifteen hundreds up to 1797, when the British sued for peace. The Garifuna were expelled from their islands but they prospered in Central America where hundreds of thousands live along the coasts today. The Afro-Darienite is a significant group of pre-historic, pre-columbian Blacks who existed in South America and Central America. These Blacks were the Africans that the Spanish first saw during their exploration of the narrow strip of land between Columbia and Central America and who were described as “slaves of our lord” since the Spaniards and Europeans had the intention of enslaving all Blacks they found in the newly discovered lands. The above mentioned Blacks of precolumbian origins are not Blacks wo mixed with the Mongoloid Indian population as occurred during the time of slavery. They were Blacks who were in some cases on their lands before the southward migrations of the Mongoloid Native Americans. In many cases, these Blacks had established civilizations in the Americas thousands of years ago.…/ancientamerica.htm According to a prominent archeologist from the U.S. with firsthand knowledge of an important series of archeological recent finds in Mexico connected to the prehistoric Olmec Civilization, new findings by archeologists from Mexico and other places working in Mexico have found that the most ancient calendar in Mexico was not invented by the Maya but most likely the Afro-Olmecs, a mysterious ancient people whose artwork and as many as 22 collossal stone heads of basalt, looks identical to Africans from the Ghana area of West Africa. According to one of the scientists who appeared on the Art Bell Show, there was some embarrassment among Mexican archeologists because they thought that the most ancient calendar was that of the Mayas. The Olmec civilization of Mexico has been studied by a number of people, including West African archeologists from Nigeria, Mali, Ghana and the Cape Verde Region of West Africa. They have examined pottery and terracotta figurines from Mexico and have concluded based on tribal scarification, cornrows and other evidence that the Olmecs with Negroid features were infact West Africans. According to Clyde A. Winters, the script used by the Olmecs is identical to an alphabet used by Africans of the Mende ethnic and linguistic group. Examples of that script was found on monuments at Monte Alban, Mexico and other places. When compared to Mende script, not only were they identical, but the words and translation was found to be the Mende language. Thus, as Clyde A. Winters explains and shows, the Olmecs were West Africans of the Mende group and they spoke the Mende language and used the Mende script. Many writers have done significant research on the Olmecs (Paul Barton, Susu Economics The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth , Waschitaw, (We are the Washitaw, by Dr. Bey;), the Kalifunami (whose descendants are scattered throughout the West Indies Islands and Central America, the Jamassee of Northern Florida Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Black Californians, whose legendary Black Amazon Queen Calafia lent her Name to the state of California (J.A. Rogers, Africa’s Gift to America), the Afro-Darienite of Panama and the Choco People of Columbia: All the above mentioned peoples are precolubian people of African/Negritic origins who still exist today. Only the Olmecs are no longer a dominant culture as they were between 1500 B.c. to 400 A.D., as documentation clearly shows. Evidence of the prehistoric African presence in Mexico seems to have been suppressed in many parts of the Americas. Moreover, when strong evidence is found, as has been the case in Mexico, or when actual descendants of precolumbian African/Negritic peoples of the Americas not connected with the slave trade have been found or are known about, they are usually not discussed or attempts are made to cover up their true origins. Yet, from the fifteen hundreds and as recently as the time of Lewis and Clarke (1830’s to the last battle with the Black Californian warriors in the West (1880’s), there have been writers and explorers who mentioned the Black tribes and nations they met. Both Peter Martyr and Balboa mentioned the presence of Africans in Darien, near Panama. These Africans were called, “slaves of our Lord,” according to Ivan Van Sertima in (They Came Before Columbus; Random House; New York). Columbus was told of African traders of gold and colored cloth in parts of the West Indies. As for the Lewis and Clark expedition, according to the Washitaw Nation The Black “bushyhaired” Washitaw who were moundbuilders and builders of ocean-going ships (Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, ect.), their people have lived in the Mississippi Valley for thousands of years and were not American Indians but Blacks of prehistoric African origins. In retrospect, one of the main reasons why the history of precolumbian Blacks of the Americas was distorted was to remove any knowledge of origins to those who were aboriginal to the American continent. This was done to remove any sense of identiy to people who were hunted down for enslavement. In fact, the Jamassee Wars which took place in South Carolina during the mid 1700″ to 100″ was a war against indigenous people of African background, who were eligible for enslavement because they were classified as “descendants of Ham,” who were to be enslaved, according to a Papal Edict published during the mid 1400’s A.D. According to I. Rafinesque (“The Primitive Black Nations of America,” 121, 186-187,194,208-209: Atlantic Journal and Friends Knowledge; Philadelphia 1832-1833; p.86. RELIGIOUS SIMILARITIES BETWEEN THE AFRICAN-OLMECS AND WEST AFRICANS The African-Olmecs also had religious practices identical to that of West Africans according to “A History of the African-Olmecs,” (published by 1stbooks Library, 2959 Vernal Pike, Bloomington, Indiana 47404 U.S.A ) Olmec religions included the use of shamen, the recognition of the Venus planet complex, the use of the ax as a prop in the worship of the Thunder God and the importance of children in their religion. In the African religion of Shango, shamen are used. In fact, a statuette of an Oni or Priest-king of ancient Nigeria falls in line with the description of the Olmec Shamen given by early American archeologists in the Olmec region of Mexico. In the Shango religion of Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, Brazil and other parts of African-Americas, the very same religion as practiced by the Olmecs is still practiced. As for Africa, the Venus complex is studied by the Ono and Bambara, both accomplished seamen who usd to sail the once sea-covered Sahara and the Atlantic. The Dogon of Mali specialize in the study of the Sirius star system and are experts in their accuracy and charting methods, without any telecopes. The use of the ax and its connection to the worship of the Thunder God was also connected to the Olmecs. Both the Olmecs of Mexico and West Africans practiced religions that included children playing a significant part. There is overwhelming evidence in all areas that the first civilization in Mexico was influenced tremendously by Africans from West Africa and Nubia/Egypt. All cultural and racial connections show this importand and crucial fact.

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