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the halls of scientist

The “Hall of Scientists” at Wonder Works only honors Europeans (which isn’t surprising at all), but their top scholars were educated in Africa. Family…this is one reason why we must continue to bang on the racism in academia. Teach your kids early….ijs.

“The irony of European thought is that so much of it was borrowed from ancient African people. James’ analysis shows clearly that what was called philosophy by the ancient Greeks began as an attempt to incorporate the mystery system of the Egyptians into Hellenic culture (James 1954). European thinkers succeeded in grafting African ideas on a diametrically opposed worldview. Diop explains this seldom mentioned African connection: It is impossible to stress all that…the Hellenistic world owed the Egyptians. The Greek merely continued and developed, sometimes partially, what the Egyptians had invented. By virtue of their materialistic tendencies, the Greeks stripped those inventions of the religious, idealistic shell in which the Egyptians had enveloped them…the worldly genius of the Greeks, emanating basically…from their religious indifferences, favored the existence of a secular, worldly science. (pp. 230-31) Added to the irony of borrowing from the diametrically opposed African way, the European thinker, while generally suppressing insight concerning the African connection and debasing black culture, exuded a veiled admiration for ancient African civilization.” ~ The Honorable Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers ***Imhotep – The Father of Medicine*** “The Nile River became a great cultural highway, bringing peoples and cultures out of inner Africa. These migrations by river led to the establishment of one of the greatest nations in world history—Egypt. In his book The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D., the Afro-American historian Chancellor Williams refers to Egypt as “Ethiopia’s oldest daughter,” and calls attention to the evidence to prove the southern African origin of early Egyptian people and their civilization. Egypt first became an organized nation about 6000 B.C. Medical interest centers upon a period in the Third Dynasty (5345–5307 B.C.), when Egypt had an ambitious pharaoh named Zaser. Zaser, in turn had for his chief counselor and minister a brilliant commoner named Imhotep (whose name means “He who cometh in peace”). Imhotep constructed the famous step pyramid of Sakkarah near Memphis. The building methods used in the construction of this pyramid revolutionized the architecture of the ancient world. Egypt gave the world some of the greatest personalities in the history of mankind. In this regard, Imhotep is singularly outstanding. In the ancient history of Egypt, no individual left a deeper impression than the commoner Imhotep. He was the world’s first multi-genius. He was also the real father of medicine. In his book, Evolution of Modern Medicine (London, 1921, 9. 10), Sir William Osler refers to Imhotep as “the first figure of a physician to stand out clearly from the mists of antiquity.” ~ The Honorable Dr. John Henry Clarke “Imhotep of Ancient Egypt, was the real Father of Medicine. He lived about 2300 B. C. Greece and Rome had their knowledge of medicine from him. In Rome he was worshipped as the Prince of Peace in the form of a black man. His Ethiopian portraits show him a Negro. Imhotep was also Prime Minister to King Zoser as well as the foremost architect of his time. The saying, “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die,” has been traced to him. Hippocrates, the so-called “Father of Medicine” lived 2,000 years after Imhotep.” Gerald Massey says of Imhotep, “The child-Christ remained a starrily-bejewelled blackamoor as the typical healer in Rome. Jesus the divine healer, does not retain the black complexion of Iu-em-hotep (Imhotep) in the canonical Gospels, but he does in the Church of Rome when represented as a little black bambino. A jewelled image of the child-Christ as a blackamoor is sacredly preserved at the headquarters of the Franciscan order and true to its typical character as a symbolical likeness of Iusa, the healer, the little black figure is taken out in state with its regalia on to visit the sick and demonstrate the supposed healing power of this Egyptian, Esculapius, thus Christianized. The virgin mother who was also black survived in Italy as in Egypt. At Oropa near Bietta, the Madonna and her child-Christ are not white, but black as they so often were in Italy of old and as the child is yet conditioned in the little black Jesus of the Eternal City. Surely the profoundest sigh of an ever-warring world went up to heaven in the cult of Iu-em-hotep (Imhotep) who was worshipped as the giver of rest, the Kamite prince of peace.” (Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World, Vol. II, p. 754, London, 1907.) The statuettes of Imhotep in the Cairo Museum show his Negroid features. They are reproduced in G. Daressy’s, Catalogue General des Antiquities Egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Plate IV, 38,045 to 38,050, and Plate V. Imhotep – The Father of Medicine” ~ J.A. Rogers Imhotep – The African Architect of the Cosmos: Black Pioneers of Science and Invention:

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