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SOURCES 1 Thomas Foster, Britain’s Royal Throne (Acadia Press, Victoria, Australia, 1986), p 2. 2 Samuel 10:24. 3 Britain’s Royal Throne, p 6. 4 Ibid, p 8. 5 Exodus 28:1-21. 6 Britain’s Royal Throne, p 12. 7 Ibid, p 14. 8 Psalm 89: 35-37. 9 The Curse Of Canaan, p 85. 10 In The Blood, p 62. 11 Gary Boyd Roberts, Ancestors Of The American Presidents, New England Historic Genealogical Society. 12 Ibid. 13 The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, p 99. 14 Ibid. 15 The information about Philip’s Nazi connections is available through many sources, but this and a catalogue of other information about the Windsors can be found in a series of articles pulled together in a document called “The True Story Behind the Fall of the House of Windsor”. It was published in September 1997 by Executive Intelligence Review (ElR) in the United States. I do not agree with all the conclusions reached by the EIR, especially the way it defends Bill Clinton when he is also part of the web. But the EIR does some outstanding research. Their Windsor report is expensive, but well worth it if you want to know more. Their address is Executive Intelligence Review, P0 Box 17390, Washington DC 20041-0390. Through the rest of this chapter I will source this document with the name of the writer and the title of the article, followed by (El R). 16 “Blair’s School Mentor Was Sex Abuser”, The Sunday Times, May 25th 1997. 17 Scott Thompson, “The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor” (El R), p 70. 18 Ibid, 71. 19 Scott Thomson, “The Ultimate Insider Trader is the Queen” (El R), p 73. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid, p 74. 22 For the full story on this see the Peter Jones book, The Obedience Of Australia, published by XPO-imprint, 26 Burlington Close, London, in 1995. 23 “The Ultimate Insider Trader is the Queen”, p 74. 24 Ibid. 25 Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood (Granada Books, London, 1985), p 223. 26 Anthony K. Wikrent, “The Anglo-Dutch Corporate Empire” (El R), pp 113-132. 27 The Brotherhood, p 211. 28 Ibid. 29 The Mail On Sunday, August 12th 1998, p 9. 30 Dean Andromidas, “Crown Agents: the Queen’s Managers” (EIR), pp 141-142. 31 Ibid, p 141-142. 32 Ibid, p 141. 33 The Obedience Of Australia, p 55. 34 The Brotherhood, p 217. 35 Scott Thompson, “The Queen’s Honorary Knights in America” (El R), p 81. 36 James Shelby Downard, “Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of Symbolism”, an article in the book, Secret And Suppressed, edited by Jim Keith (Feral House, P0 Box 3466, Portland, Oregon 97208, 1993), p 65. 37 Brian Downing Quig, “Who Dismantled Our Constitution”, Grapevine magazine, January 2nd 1995. 38 Ibid. 39 This information comes from an American who has spent decades researching the genealogy of the big names in America. He operates under the pseudonym, John Gaunt. 40 Scott Thompson, “Sir Paul Mellon, Lord of Loudoun”, (El R), p 79. 41 Ibid. 42 Allen Douglas, “The Oligarchs’ Real Game Is Killing Animals and Killing People” (EIR), p 32. 43 Ibid, p 31. 44 Ibid. 45 lbid,p32. 46 Ibid. 47 Scott Thompson, “The 1001 Club: a Nature Trust” (El R), p 15. 48 Mark Burdman, “Martin Palmer, Prince Philip’s Guru” (El R), p 91. He was quoting from Palmer’s book, Dancing To Armageddon. 49 “Globalized Grizzlies”, The New American magazine, August 18th 1997. 50 The Times, July 21st 1997, p 23. 51 “Prince Philip’s Friends Ran ‘Get LaRouche’ Plot” (El R), p 17. 52 The Anglo-Dutch Corporate Empire, pp 125-126 53 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 Joseph Brewda, “The Invisible Empire of the NGOs” (EIR) p 91. 56 Ibid, pp 89-90. 57 lbid,p90. 58 Linda de Hoyos, “World Wide Fund For Nature Commits Genocide in Africa” (EIR), p 24. 59 “The Oligarchs’ Real Game is Killing Animals and Killing People” (EIR), p 34. 60 Ibid. 61 Ibid, p 35. 62 lbid,p34. 63 Ibid, pp 35-36. 64 Ibid, p 36. 65 Linda de Hoyos, “The British Royal Family’s Policy at Work: Mass Death in Rwanda” (EIR), p 38. 66 Ibid. 67 Ibid. 68 Richard Freeman and Cynthia Rush, “British Cartels Break Up Brazil’s CVRD, Target Continents Raw Materials” (EIR), p 192. 69 Ibid, p 193. 70 Dennis Small, “British Banks Establish Death Grip Over Ibero-America” (EIR), p 187. 71 Roger Moore, “Executive Outcomes vs the Nation State” (EIR), p 147. 72 Ibid. 73 Ibid. 74 Ibid. 75 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 77 Ibid. 78 Dean Andromidas, “Defence Systems Ltd: A Crown Jewel” (El R), p 148. 79 Ibid, p 149. 80 Ibid. 81 Quoted by Javier Alamano, “British Run Private Armies in Colombia” (EIR), p 199. 82 “The Anglo-Dutch Corporate Empire” (EIR), p 113. 83 “Directors, Councillors, of Crown Agents” (EIR), p 143. 84 Peter Hounam and Derek McAdam in Who Killed Diana? (Vision Books, London, 1998) 85 Ibid, p 124. Back to Contents Back to Black Nobility

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