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George Wells Parker: A forgotten historian – “The Children of the Sun” / “The Black Pelasgians (Greek)” Parker (1917,1918) used anthropological, archaeological, historical and classical sources to prove that blacks once lived in the Aegean. Parker (1917,1918) used the Greek classics to prove that the Pelasgians were of African origin. He also discussed the origin stories about the Pelasgic founders of selected Grecian cities and proved that these men were blacks and not Indo-Europeans. Parker (1917, pp.341-42) also observed that “the great Grecian epics are epics of an African people and Helen, the cause of the Trojan war, must henceforth be conceived as a beautiful brown skin girl” . These Africans sailed to the Greece from North Africa. ********************”Helen, the cause of the Trojan war, must henceforth be conceived as a beautiful brown skin girl” *************************** George Wells Parker played a very important role in the rediscovery of Black History. Sadly there is only one picture of him on the internet.…/ #mkrGeorgeWellsParker #mkrTheBlackGreeks #mkrGreece #RealHistoryWW

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