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the battles currently raging in the south of Libya are no mere tribal clashes. Instead, they represent a possible burgeoning alliance between black Libyan ethnic groups and pro-Gaddafi forces intent upon liberating their country of a neocolonial NATO-installed government. Groups such as the Tawergha and Tobou, both of which are black, have risen up against what they perceive to be their political, economic and social marginalization. Western media has attempted to completely suppress the fact that the Green resistance even exists, let alone is active and winning victories. All this simply further illustrates is that the war for Libya rages on, whether the world wants to admit it or not. During his reign, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in their 2011 report noted that Gaddafi had gone to great lengths to ensure economic and social development, as well as specifically providing economic opportunities and political protections to black Libyans and migrant workers from neighboring African countries. The media outlet, Al Jazeera once quoted a pro-Gaddafi Tuareg fighter in September 2011 as saying, “fighting for Gaddafi is like a son fighting for his father…[We will be] ready to fight for him until the last drop of blood.” Is it any wonder that these fighters have joined the Green Resistance today to rid their country of these infidels and to restore Gaddafi’s dream of a unified Libya.

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