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THE BLACK DOUGLAS Clan Douglas is an ancient clan or noble house from the Scottish Lowlands…The Earls of Douglas, chiefs of Clan Douglas, and their successors claimed descent from Sholto Douglas…“Sholto Du Glas; in English,

“Behold the black or swarthy-coloured man;” from which, the story goes, he was named Sholto the Douglas”SOURCE;(John Burke, “A General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire: Volume 1”; 1833)“The Good Sir James Douglas (c. 12S0-1330), called also ‘the Black Douglas’ from his swarthy complexion, was Bruce’s greatest captain in the War of Independence”SOURCE;(David Patrick, Francis Hindes Groome, “Chambers’s Biographical Dictionary: The Great of All Times and Nations”; 1907)

“A “Black Douglas” must at one time have been a term interchangeable with “a black man”“Wherever you encounter the Black Douglas in history or tradition you will find he is a Black man”SOURCE;(David MacRitchie, “Ancient and Modern Britons. Vol.1”; p. 207; 1884)

The Douglases were one of Scotland’s most powerful families, and certainly the most prominent family in lowland Scotland during the Late Middle Ages, often holding the real power behind the throne of the Stewart Kings…The heads of the House of Douglas held the titles of the Earl of Douglas and later the Earl of Angus…The original Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Italians, French, Spaniards, Swedes, Russians, and Germans, were so called Black men…

The data to support that conclusion is already plentiful and available on this page…Up until the late 1700’s these countries were predominantly so called Black…The vast majority of so called Blacks in the U.S. have ancestors that ruled in—and come from these lands…Unfortunately, so called blacks in the U.S. have been configured to associate a color with a Race—and their Surname with a “Caucasian slave name”Thereby cutting themselves off from any understanding of REAL history or where they were, and what they were, before their forefathers arrived in the U.S.All so called blacks in the U.S. have a surname, but how many of them have actually researched it and know anything about its origin and history???Many so called blacks in the U.S. have changed their last names—which they have deemed to be their “slave names”In so doing, they gave up a perfectly good so called black European surname, believing that it was indeed a “slave name”SOURCES;(John Burke, “A General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire: Volume 1”; 1833)(David Patrick, Francis Hindes Groome, “Chambers’s Biographical Dictionary: The Great of All Times and Nations”; 1907)(David MacRitchie, “Ancient and Modern Britons. Vol.1”; p. 207; 1884)

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