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How The Sun Kills Whites (Vibranium Is Melanin) February 20, 2018 Pheomelanin is sulfur based just like a demon devil from Holy-wood. Our melanin is EU-melanin which is probably why we named their land Europe because we had to “rope” in those without EU. It turned out they used ropes on us instead when they got assistance from some hating ass moron with their toxic technology. Eumelanin is selenium based. It’s God vs Satan as usual people. Everything is dual in nature in this 3D realm. It’s black people’s job to keep everything in Ma’at which is harmony, balance, justice and reciprocity or else everything collapses back into the void of Nun and we start all over again…or not. Enjoy. I included the link below to the entire article for those more technically inclined. International Journal of Molecular Sciences ISSN 1422-0067 Melanin The amount and type of epidermal melanin is the main factor that determines skin complexion and UV sensitivity. Melanin is a large bio-aggregate composed of subunits of different pigment species formed by oxidation and cyclization of the amino acid tyrosine [10,25,26] (Figure 2). Intriguingly, the intermediates of melanogenesis may have important regulatory roles in the skin [27–29]. Melanin exists in two main chemical forms: (1) eumelanin, a dark pigment expressed abundantly in the skin of heavily pigmented individuals, and (2) pheomelanin, a light-colored sulfated pigment resulting from incorporation of cysteines into melanin precursors [30]. Eumelanin is much more efficient at blocking UV photons than pheomelanin, thus the more eumelanin in the skin, the less UV-permeable is the epidermis [31]. Fair-skinned people who are almost always UV-sensitive and have high risk of skin cancer have little epidermal eumelanin and therefore ―realize‖ much more UV than darker-skinned individuals. Therefore, the fairer the skin, the more damaging UV exposure will be. In fact, pheomelanin levels are similar between dark-skinned and light-skinned individuals, and it is the amount of epidermal eumelanin that determines skin complexion, UV sensitivity and cancer risk. Data suggest that pheomelanin may promote oxidative DNA injury and melanomagenesis by generating free radicals in melanocytes even in the absence of UV [32–37]. It’s getting hot out there white people. Time to pay the fiddler and the goddamn piper!!!!! Don’t ask me to do shit when you can’t go outside during the day. Tough shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

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