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DNA Definitions

(Just another White Lie) We were probably all “taken-in” by the White mans claims that DNA study could clearly define who-was-who in ancient history. And knowing the White mans track record of lying about such matters, we all just naturally assumed that the DNA of ancient Blacks in Europe, Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas was already done, but Whites simply wouldn’t release it, or would release it, while calling it something else. Well, we were partially right: the DNA of ancient Blacks in Europe, Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas is already done, but Whites simply wouldn’t release it, or release it, while calling it something else. But the White mans claims that DNA study could clearly define who-was-who in ancient history is a BUST! As we can see from the data on the linked page: that which we were told were the “White” haplogroups; like R1 and R2, are instead, indisputably “Black” haplogroups. As always; all roads lead “Back” to the Black man. There is a chart of Modern White European Y-DNA which clearly shows that there is NO uniquely “White” haplogroups; but rather, all White DNA is derived from Black haplogroups. But since this page is already very long: in order to save space, we are providing a link to the chart, instead of placing it on this page or on the linked page. ### — Thank you for reading my posts. Credits, respect & grattitude to the researchers from RealHistory, the most awakened minds in the Black Community. — ### *** Images matter. History is a tool for growth. We have been taught false history. * The media & the education system dont show real images of the first settlers world wide and the progenitor of humans because they were all Black. It’s proven by genetics & the study of excavations, art & literature. * Without a past you don’t have a future. Knowledge of Self is the cure for selfhate, skinbleeching, lack of pride & self-destruction.

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