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Black skinned whites wtf

You have to feel for whites as to put themselves in history they have to come up with terms like Black skinned white which is a clear sign of self hate. Your whole theory of being superior is your skin which scientifically speaking is inferior as it is not suited for cold or heat and then when you start uncovering artifacts and body’s all ancient peoples were Black.

So now lets paint over Blacks create fake artifacts and create a term dark skin whites. This is why I stopped arguing with them as they do not truly believe this it is just their inability to admit everything they are comes from Blacks.

Here is a question for whites if you supposedly built Egypt why did you have to enslave us to farm in America’s heat? So you could not even farm in America’s heat but built pyramids and in Africa’s heat stop it. And the saddest part about all this is we actually send our kids to educational systems ran by psychotic people like so.

Stop thinking they will ever change a small % of whites live in the real world the rest are living in a fantasy land and this will never change. You are descendants of the greatest people to ever live you can do much more then run fast jump high etc these are things they can’t stop you from doing it is your god given talent. Imagine what you could do if you took control of your education.

As long as we allow this racist anti-Black system to control what we learn we will fail. White wealth is tied to Black oppression their system will never help you rise up to be anything but their niggers. Only thing stopping us is us being cowards.

My children will never attend 1 day in their miseducational system and not 1 of my offspring ever will. I’m creating my own educational system for my future generations as we all should. I’ll put my knowledge of history up against any esteemed scholar Black or white and prove how flawed this system is and I’m self taught.

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