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Baddest man in the whole damn town

If you thought the song Bad Leroy Brown was tough this guy takes the cake… This BadAss White Man Hunted Slave Owners, Went To War With The System, & Kick Started The Civil War Gavin Nascimento Exposing Corruption, Exposing Corruption, My BlogJohn Brown is one of the most controversial figures in North American history. The government labeled him a terrorist, and gave him the death penalty for a string of murders carried out under his command. But for others, such as Fredrick Douglass, he was a hero. Brown’s commitment to ending slavery was infinitely greater than the likes of Abraham Lincoln, or any other major personality of that time. Yet despite this historical fact, he is relatively unknown in public perception, and so I decided to write this article in honor of his memory. Image source: Wikipedia When John Brown was just a boy, aged 12 years old, he drove a heard of cattle by himself from Ohio to Michigan. During this impressive expedition, Brown was forced to lodge in the countryside, and although he was treated well by his host, the owner of the house was actually a slave owner that ended up beating a black boy he “owned” with an iron shovel right before Brown’s eyes. This experience had a profound influence on John for obvious reasons. As the years went by, John struggled. His wife, along with several of his children, died due to poor health. He fell into debt and had to declare bankruptcy and had a number of different run ins with the government. In short, John struggled to adapt to the system. That same year, an abolitionist named Elijah Parish Lovejoy was gunned down for his controversial publications in the Alton Observer. Lovejoy was a staunch opponent of slavery, and despite receiving numerous death threats and having his offices attacked prior, he refused to back down and used the supreme power of journalism to challenge the ruling class’s inhumane system of racial exploitation. This rebellious, but altruistic courage inspired Brown greatly, and a new path in his life began to emerge. John Brown in 1859/Image source: Wikipedia “Here, before God, in the presence of these witnesses, from this time, I consecrate my life to the destruction of slavery!” After Brown learnt of Lovejoy’s murder, he pledged in church that he would dedicate his life to ending the rapacious business of slavery. But like many other activists, both past and present, his ambitions were put on hold due to financial difficulties and obligations. During this time, he was also arrested for resisting the repossession of his home. In fact, throughout his life, John Brown had numerous troubles with “the law“. He decided to move to Massachusetts, which was home to a growing population of anti slavery activists, from all walks of life. While he was there, Brown became deeply involved in transforming the city into a central hub for the fight against slavery, and was a key figure in the maintenance of the famous Underground Railroad — which was a secret transportation route to help free slaves. In response to this subversive action, the government passed The Fugitive Slave Act, which allowed bounty hunters to hunt down slaves and bring them back into captivity. Consequently, John Brown formed a vigilante group called the League of Gileadites to ensure that escaped slaves would be protected against the establishment authorities. This was the beginning of Brown’s militant approach to the abolishment of slavery. In 1855, pro-slavery forces invaded Kansas — the home of John Brown’s sons — and began violently taking over the state and imposing on the abolitionist population there. These tensions between the opposing factions came to a head when anti-slavery Senator Charles Sumner was almost beaten to death — For Brown, this was the final straw. Two days later, Brown and his men brutally murdered 5 pro-slavery forces, but they were far from done.

Image source: Wikipedia “I have only a short time to live – only one death to die, and I will die fighting for this cause. There will be no peace in this land until slavery is done for!” In retaliation to John Brown’s actions, a mini war in Kansas erupted and one of his son’s was killed. This then was met by further retaliation from Brown, who in spite of having a much smaller force of men, managed to kill and injure an undisclosed number of pro-slavery men. Word of this battle spread throughout the United States, and Brown’s legend began to grow.

Harper’s Ferry Attack In 1859, John Brown gathered a force of 22 vigilantes (17 white men:3 of which were his sons, and 5 black men: three free blacks, one freed slave, and a fugitive slave) and attacked Harper’s Ferry, which housed a major armory. Brown’s plan was to get weapons and spread revolution, but this plan ultimately failed when U.S. Marines were sent in and put down the rebellion. Amongst the dead, were 2 of his sons. Brown, however, refused to surrender and proclaimed that he would prefer to die for his cause than give up. After a close combat encounter though, Brown was beaten unconscious and arrested and jailed. Before he was sentenced to die by hanging for his crimes in court, Brown had this to say;

“…Had I so interfered in behalf of the rich, the powerful, the intelligent, the so-called great, or in behalf of any of their friends… it would have been all right; and every man in this court would have deemed it an act worthy of reward rather than punishment.”(Source) Image source: Wikipedia Conclusion “His zeal in the cause of freedom was infinitely superior to mine. Mine was as the taper light, his was as the burning sun. Mine was bounded by time. His stretched away to the silent shores of eternity. I could speak for the slave. John Brown could fight for the slave. I could live for the slave. John Brown could die for the slave.” — Fredrick Douglass(Source)

Former slave and African American leader Fredrick Douglass, once called John Brown one of the greatest heroes known to American fame. He noted that John Brown was more committed to the emancipation of black slaves than anyone else he knew. Some of the most influential personalities of that era have also sung Brown’s praises, including Victor Hugo, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau, amongst others. Brown is also credited by biographer David S. Reynolds, as being the man that sparked the North American civil war. Yet, in spite of this, Brown’s name is suspiciously absent from modern public perception when compared to other prominent figures of the time, such as Abraham Lincoln, who did not have a fraction of the conviction John Brown had, yet received much more credit for the struggle against slavery.

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