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Because of the secret war between Donald Trump the US military against the Cabal; A criminal organization the public know as the illuminati [ deep state shadow government ], mass arrests will be taking place not only in the United States of America but across the world through the Military police the Secret Service in the US Marshals!! If you have family members who are grand master Masons they will be taken into custody by the military police or the United States marshals, many actors actresses rappers singers in Hollywood, high political officials corrupt FBI agents corrupt CIA agents corrupt judges are all going to be arrested and will be tried under a Military Tribunal for treason against the United States Government and the United States of America, for crimes against children and satanic sacrifices [Evil occult practices]!! Again if you have family members who are grand master Masons and they are taken into custody by the military police I am asking family members and pleading with you please DO NOT RESIST THEM!!!!!! This is not only a national emergency this is a worldwide emergency that is taking place across all nations, world leaders have a greed to work with Donald Trump to surrender members of the Cabal Publicly known as the illuminati or Freemasons!!! Again do not resist

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