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andrew white

Andrew White (1579 – December 27, 1656) was an English Jesuit missionary who was involved in the founding of the Maryland colony. He was a chronicler of the early colony, and his writings are a primary source on the land, the Native Americans of the area, and the Jesuit mission in North America. For his efforts in converting and educating the native population, he is frequently referred to as the “Apostle of Maryland.” He is considered a forefather of Georgetown University, and is memorialized in the name of its White-Gravenor building, a central location of offices and classrooms on the university’s campus. George Calvert, the first Baron Baltimore, whom White is credited in helping to turn to Catholicism in 1625, wrote to White from his colony on the Avalon Peninsula inNewfoundland after 1628. White’s further interest in America is shown a letter from Superior General Mutio Vitelleschi in a letter dated March 3, 1629, approving a mission to America. Though George Calvert died in 1632, his son, Leonard Calvert, second Baron Baltimore, continued the colonization program. Baltimore had wanted White to help found a new colony in the Chesapeake Bay which had been chartered June 20, 1632. White himself wrote of the benefits of converting the native population, and in a document dated February 10, 1633, he specifically advocates Catholic settlement in “lord Baltimore’s Plantation in Mary-land.” He describes to potential financiers a paradisaical land with majestic forests and fruitful soil, advertising 2,000 acres (8 km2) of land for each potential settler. Baltimore. Maryland was founded and laid out on July 30, 1729, and is named after Lord Baltimore (Cecilius Calvert), who was the first Proprietary Governor of the Province of Maryland. On November 22, 1633, Bishop Andrew White took Baltimore’s offer and set sail from Cowes on the Isle of Wight with lord Leonard Calvert and fellow Jesuits John Altham Gravenor and Thomas Gervase on The Ark, one of George Calvert’s ships. Their landing on March 25, 1634, on St. Clement’s Island marks the birth of the Maryland colony. The anniversary of this date is now celebrated as Maryland Day. In saying Catholic Mass that day, he became the first priest to do so in the original thirteen English colonies. By July of that year, White had written his first discussion on the new colony, titled “A Relation of the Sucessefull Beginnings of the Lord Baltimore’s Plantation in Maryland”. Sections of this were used to further advertise the colony. White spent most of the next decade in St. Mary’s City, working on English-Native American relations, particularly with the Yaocomico tribe, which consistently saw favorable trade treaties from Calvert because of White, and the Anacostans. In 1637 they were joined by Jesuits Thomas Copley and Ferdinand Poulton, and between 1634 and 1650 there averaged four permanent Jesuits in the Maryland Colony. To further his missionary work, he wrote dictionaries and translated the catechism into the native languages. On July 5, 1640, he famously converted Chitomachon, the chief of the Piscataway Indians, to Christianity. The chief was baptized as Charles. He later baptized a princess of the Patuxent Indians, and much of her tribe. In 1933, the architect and writer Christopher La Farge designed a monument to White that is located just outside St. Mary’s City. The English Civil War was to cut short his missionary work. In 1644, Richard Ingle and Puritan colonists from the neighboring Virginian colony of Jamestown, which had previously rebuffed George Calvert’s visit, first raided St. Mary’s City. Ingle succeeded in burning the town and, with the aid of William Claiborne, in controlling the Maryland Colony. White was again arrested for his Catholic preaching, and in 1645 he was sent with Thomas Copley in chains to London. Once there, he was tried for the crime of returning to England after being banished in 1606, which carried the punishment of death. He escaped this fate by arguing that his return was not of his own will. His petitions to return to Maryland denied, he spent the last decade of his life quietly in England until his death on December 27, 1656. In the War of 1812, the British torched and burned to the ground the White House and all US government buildings, destroying ratification records of US Constitution. Directly after the US War of Independence in 1812, the founders of the new country chose the exact same colors as the hated and defeated British, who they had just fought to the death where Ben Franklin challenged his fellow patriots to ‘hang together or hang separately. Why would you choose the exact same colors for your new country as the country you just fought to the death? Does this make any sense to anyone? Also, the US flag, that Betsy Ross did not design, is nearly the exact same flag design as the infamous East Indian Tea Company, who were owned by the hated British. According to American history, this was the event that set off the American Revolution. It is no coincidence that many other country flags are also red, white and blue, like Russia, Chile, French, Australian flags, and many others. Why when each country could choose any other colors in the spectrum? Most of those who live in the United States have pledged, at one time or another, their allegiance to the US Constitution and American flag, not to a living being. The US Constitution was founded by the richest, white land owning men of the time. When they finished with their ‘We the People’ document, the compact, or contract only included those who owned land, were rich, white and male. It would take almost another century before women, African American slaves, Native Americans, and non-land owning white folks to be legally allowed to vote. Most will cite the US Constitution, just a piece of paper, as proof of their ‘unalienable rights’ while living in an ever-increasing police state where we now have US President Donald Trump openly calling for stop and searches of any and all of those living in the US. For the record. Rights are not given by government, or written on a piece of paper as ‘proof’. Rights are unalienable and inherent, not granted to us. The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony A careful study of signed treaties/charters between Britain and U.S. exposes a well-kept secret that the U.S. has always been and remains a British Crown colony. King James I is not just famous for translating the Bible into “The King James Version”, but also for signing first charter of Virginia in 1606 which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guaranteed future Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America, stolen from Native Americans via genocidal methods and its farming industry/infrastructure was developed by Africans “stolen” from their homeland, classified as property and relegated to sub-human status. (The US Constitution was written and declared slaves to be three-fifths of a person for accounting purposes.) After America declared independence from Great Britain, the Treaty of 1783 was signed. The treaty identifies the King of England as prince of the U.S. and completely contradicts the premise that America won The War of Independence, though King George III gave up most of his claims over American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America. If America had really won War of Independence, they would never have agreed to pay debts and reparations to King of England nor chosen the exact same colors for of Great Britain! America’s blood soaked War of Independence against British bankrupted America, turning its citizens into permanent debt slaves of the King. This occurred once again after WWI when the US declared bankruptcy and birth certificates were issued as collateral to the banksters, which is still in effect today. This is why debt is the key to control of all and the more debt is run up, the more enslaved we all are.

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