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ANDAMAN ISLANDERS “The Andaman Islanders (in the Indian Ocean), are genetically very close to the Ainu people. ” “Although we do not have “Ancient life-like” depictions of the Jomon and Ainu, we do have pictures of members of their former migratory group – their genetic cousins, the Andaman Islanders of the Indian Ocean, (Just off the coast of Burma and Thailand). [Oddly Indians were Not part of this group]. Today, Andaman genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans. Genetic testing, specific to Xia, Shang and Olmec, as far as we know, has not yet been done.” *** Images matter. History is a tool for growth. We have been taught false history. * The media & the education system dont show real images of the first settlers world wide and the progenitor of humans because they were all Black. It’s proven by genetics & the study of excavations, art & literature. * Without a past you don’t have a future. Knowledge of Self is the cure for selfhate, skinbleeching, lack of pride & self-destruction. mkr2018S

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