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american nations

The American Nations;or, Outline of Their General History The following is a document from Peabody library at Harvard university Museum. And it gives a description of how many saw the American native during earlier times during the settlement of America. This document is from the Peabody museum at Harvard university it was written in 1828 by Constantine Samuel Rafinesque to a J.H McColla . it is the first letter of a series of four. It follows... FOR THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. AMERICAN HISTORY. By Prof. Rafinesque, to Dr. J. H. M'Culloh, of Baltimore. You appear desirous to learn something more of my Researches on the Ancient and Modern History of North and South America. I feel willing and happy to be able to answer your inquiries, and even to suggest perhaps some new facts. The continent of America has ever been the field of philosophical delusions, as Africa of fables and monsters, and Asia of religious creeds. All the various systems and theories of monks and philosophers on the origin, climate, inhabitants, &c. of America, have been repeatedly destroyed by facts, and yet they find to this day many believers. To this day they speak and write of the Red men of America, while there is not a Red Man, (nor never was,) in this continent. To this day do they attempt to separate the American languages from all others, while their roots and structure are exactly like many in the Eastern Continent. When we are led by systems, or do not investigate and compare subjects in all their bearings, we are apt to fall into these delusive mistakes. But whoever will take the trouble, (as I have done,) to compare the features, languages, religions, customs, &c. of all the nations of the five parts of this world, Asia, Europe, Africa, Polynesia, and America, will find, (as I have found,) that mankind is a unity with many deviations of features, complexions, languages, religions, governments, civilizations, &c. all derived from single primitive types of those effect, and a common central focus. To evince this result in a single but striking point, doubted to this day by superficial inquirers, it is sufficient to mention that there were in America, before Columbus came, nations and tribes of the following complexions: coppered, tawny, olive, dusky, white or pale yellow, dark brown, and black; (but none red unless painted,) and that all these complexions are also found in Asia, in Polynesia, and in Africa. The native American Negroes or black Indians, have been seen in Brazil, Guyana, Caraccas, Popayan, Choco, North California, &c. Some of them, such as the Aroras or Caroras of Cumana, were black, but with fine features and long hair, like the Jolofs and Gallas of Africa. Others in New California, latitude 32, called Esteros, are like the Hottentots, Numuquas, Tambukis, and many other Nigritian tribes, not black, but dark brown, yet complete Negroes, with large thick lips, broad flat noses, and very ugly, with hair crisped or curly. The Negro features belong to the form of the head rather than the colour, since [there] are in Africa, Asia, and Polynesia, black, brown, yellow, olive, coppery, (and even white) Negroes. The American Negroes of Quarenqua, in Choco, (the great level plain 900 miles long, 90 wide, separating the Andes of South America from the mountains of Panama,) were black and with woolly heads in 1506. They are mentioned by Dangleria, and all the early accurate writers. The last two travellers who have seen these Negroes, are Stevenson, (20 years travels in South America, London, 1825,) and Mollien, travels in Columbia, Paris, 1824. Stevenson says that the Indians of Mannabi, comprising the districts of Esmeraldas, Rioverde, and Atacamas, on the sea shore of Popayan, are all Zambos, and produced by a ship full of Negroes who came in the country before the Spaniards, killed the former inhabitants, kept the women and formed a mixed race. They are tall, of a blackish colour, with soft curley hair, large eyes, flat noses, thick lips, &c.; while the true Zambos, or modern offspring of Indians and Negroes are of a deep copper colour, with thick hair not curled, small eyes, sharp noses and good lips. Family pg. 57,%20have%20been%20seen%20in%20Brazil The American Nations;or, Outline of Their General History,+in+Choco,+(the+great+level+plain+900+miles+long,+90+wide,+separating+the+Andes+of+South+America+from+the+mountains+of+Panama,)+were+black+and+with+woolly+heads+in+1506.+They+are+mentioned+by+Dangleria,+and+all+the+early+accurate+writers.&printsec=frontcover #AFRICANAMERICANSAINTAFRICANS #outofafricatheorydebunked #WakeUpAmerica #americannegro

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