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In 430 B.C. Herodotus wrote that there were large stone pyramids inside of the burial place of Osiris…

He also wrote that there was a lake nearby adorned with an edging of stone, circular in form…

In 2016, CNN reported that there were additional pyramids found inside “Kukulkan” and it is interesting to note that there is a cenote (lake) nearby that is an almost perfectly round hole in the limestone bedrock, some 60m in diameter and more than 30m deep, the bottom third full of water…

This pyramid tomb was anciently called the Kukulcán / Quetzalcoatl (“Feathered Serpent”)

”Among those rulers who traveled to the “Lands of the West” was NARAM-SIN, a son of King MENES (Cush), who had embarked on a voyage of exploration a few years after 1600 B.C.

Evidence exists which proves that the Feathered Serpent, or Quetzalcoatl, was also known as Naram-sin, or Osiris (Nimrod)

That is precisely where the first civilizations of our era was established by Nimrod, the first Emperor of the world!”


(‪The True Origin of the Indians of the Americas: Or, The Roots of the American Indian‬; 1978)

We have seen that the Serpent was the especial symbol of the prophetic god Thoth, Hermès, Hea, Buddha, etc; who was Cush—the great teacher of magic, and demonology…

The worship of the Serpent appears to have been originated by Thoth, i.e., Cush himself…

In the later development of Paganism the Serpent was identified with the Sun, as the source of spiritual light or divine wisdom…

The Sun and Serpent god became the false Christ of Paganism…

Exactly so does it appear to have been in the first form of idolatry, that, under the patronage of Nimrod, appeared in the world…

There is the strongest evidence that apostasy among the sons of Noah began in fire-worship, and that in connection with the symbol of the serpent…

We have seen already, on different occasions, that fire was worshipped as the enlightener and the purifier…

Now, it was thus the very beginning; for Nimrod is singled out by the voice of antiquity as commencing this fire-worship…

The identity of Nimrod and Ninus has already been proved; and under the name of Ninus, also, he is represented as originating the same practice…

In a fragment of Apollodorus, it is said, that “Ninus taught the Assyrians to worship fire”

The Sun, as the great source of light and heat, was worshipped under the name of Baal…

According to the primitive language of man, the sun was called “Shemesh”, that is “the Servant”, that name no doubt being divinely given, to keep the world in mind of the great truth, that, however glorious was the orb of the day, it was after all the appointed Minister of the bounty of the great unseen Creator to his creatures upon earth…

Men knew this, and yet, with the full knowledge of it, they put the servant in the place of the Master; and called the sun Baal, that is, the Lord, and worshipped him accordingly…

Along with the sun, as the great fire-god, and, in due time, identified with him, was the serpent worshipped…

The serpent is universally the symbol of the sun…

In Egypt, one of the commonest symbols of the sun, or sun-god, is a disk with a serpent around it…

From this, then, we are led to the conclusion that serpent worship was a part of the primeval apostasy of Nimrod…

Thus, was the Sun, the Great Fire-god, identified with the Serpent…

But he had also a human representative, and that was Tammuz, for whom the Daughters of Israel lamented, in other words, Nimrod…

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