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STOP CELEBRATING ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!! Irish Leprechauns Were Originally Black? “According to legend, St. Patrick was well known for “chasing the serpents out of Ireland”. Now on the outside they make it sound like some miracle that he saved the people from deadly serpents. There is in fact no evidence that real serpents ever existed in Ireland. But if you understand that the “serpents” they are speaking of are really a symbol for something else, this particular plot point in the story becomes a lot more interesting. As will be demonstrated below the “serpents” of the story are an allusion to the people of African descent (the Twa) who lived in Ireland. Its important to note, that in addition to Twa, some of the names for our people include; Naga, Nagar and Negus, which means loosely “serpent people” or “people of the serpent”. The name is also synonymous with Pharaohs and Kings. In many African cultures the serpent is not a symbol of evil but one of eternal life, regeneration, power, protection and wisdom.” Read more @: The Twa – A Dark History of Ireland St. Patrick: A Murderer or a Saint?

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