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Most truth seekers know that Republic of the United States was turned into a corporation in 1871, and the U.S. Corporation is ultimately owned by the Vatican. See related links. This is what gives the pope or the Vatican the authority in this letter. This letter was posted today, August 19, 2015, but if this posting is correct it was sent to President O over a year ago, July 4th, 2014. The letter not only confirms that the U.S. is operating under a corporation, but it also confirms that General Carter Ham will be heading up the New Republic when it is announced. I believe the announcement will part of the NESARA announcements. Read the latest Matthew Message I posted. Matthew basically says that this current pope is working for the Light. Anyway, don’t waste your time on the political circus concerning the U.S. election. I don’t expect to see one. When NESARA is announced, the new interim president becomes the president of the new republic for six months after which free elections are held. We can then elect the interim president for another four years or elect someone else. The letter below is pretty self-explanatory. You may want to check out the attachment. –MrT. Pope Francis Sends Obama Powerful Letter Via Attorney [on] July 4th 2014 (VI) (DM) – The Promise Revealed Mr. Truthseeker U.S.A.Pope Francis Sends Obama Powerful Letter Via Attorney [on] July 4th 2014 (VI)…

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